主任研究員研究室 三好予測科学研究室
主任研究員 三好 建正(Ph.D.)

- 総合理工
- 工学
- 情報学
- 環境学
- 複合領域
- 数物系科学
- 計算科学
- 情報学基礎
- 地球惑星科学
- 予測
- 最適制御
- 力学系
- 計算
- データ同化
- 1.
Sun, Q., Miyoshi, T., Richard, S.:
"Analysis of COVID-19 in Japan with extended SEIR model and ensemble Kalman filter."
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 419 (2023) - 2.
Miyoshi, T., and Sun, Q.:
"Control Simulation Experiment with the Lorenz's Butterfly Attractor, Nonlin."
Processes Geophys., 29, 133-139 (2022) - 3.
Honda, T., Amemiya, A., Otsuka, S., G.-Y. Lien, Taylor, J., Maejima, Y., Nishizawa, S., Yamaura, T., Sueki, K., Tomita, H., Satoh, S., Ishikawa, Y., and Miyoshi, T.:
"Development of the Real-Time 30-s-Update Big Data Assimilation System for Convective Rainfall Prediction with a Phased Array Weather Radar Description and Preliminary Evaluation"
J. Adv. Modeling Earth Systems, 14(6), e2021MS002823 (2022) - 4.
Kotsuki, S., Sato, Y., Miyoshi, T.:
"Data assimilation for climate research: Model parameter estimation of large‐scale condensation scheme"
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031304 (2020). - 5.
Kotsuki, S., Kurosawa, K., Otsuka, S., Terasaki, K., and Miyoshi. T.:
"Global Precipitation Forecasts by Merging Extrapolation-Based Nowcast and Numerical Weather Prediction with Locally Optimized Weights"
Wea. Forecasting, 34, 701–714 (2019) - 6.
Kotsuki, S., Kurosawa, K., and Miyoshi T.:
"On the Properties of Ensemble Forecast Sensitivity to Observations"
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 145, 1897-1914 (2019). - 7.
Kondo, K., and Miyoshi, T.:
"Non-Gaussian statistics in global atmospheric dynamics: a study with a 10 240-member ensemble Kalman filter using an intermediate atmospheric general circulation model"
Nolin. Processes Geophs., 26, 211-225 (2019). - 8.
Otsuka, S., Kotsuki, S., Ohhigashi, M., Miyoshi T.:
"GSMaP RIKEN Nowcast: Global Precipitation Nowcasting with Data Assimilation"
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, 2019, Volume 97, Issue 6, Pages 1099-1117 (2019).
- 三好 建正
- 主任研究員
- 雨宮 新
- 研究員
- HO THANH Cedric
- 特別研究員
- 殿山 俊吾
- リサーチアソシエイト
〒650-0047 神戸市中央区港島南町7-1-26
Email: da-team-desk@ml.riken.jp