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創発物性科学研究センター 創発機能磁性材料研究ユニット

ユニットリーダー 軽部 皓介(Ph.D.)


軽部 皓介



  • 数物系科学


  • 工学
  • 総合理工
  • 金属材料物性関連
  • 応用物性関連
  • 無機物質および無機材料化学関連


  • 磁性
  • 強相関電子系
  • スキルミオン
  • 合金


  • 1. Karube, K., Ukleev, V., Kagawa, F., Tokura, Y., Taguchi, Y., and White, J. S.:
    "Unveiling the anisotropic fractal magnetic domain structure in bulk crystals of antiskyrmion host (Fe,Ni,Pd)3P by small-angle neutron scattering"
    Journal of Applied Crystallography 55, 1392 (2022).
  • 2. White, J. S., Karube, K., Ukleev, V., Derlet, P. M., Cubitt, R., Dewhurst, C. D., Wildes, A. R., Yu, X. Z., Ronnow, H. M., Tokura, Y., and Taguchi, Y.:
    "Small-angle neutron scattering study of mesoscale magnetic disordering and skyrmion phase suppression in the frustrated chiral magnet Co6.75Zn6.75Mn6.5"
    Journal of Applied Crystallography 55, 1219 (2022).
  • 3. Karube, K., and Taguchi, Y.:
    "High-temperature non-centrosymmetric magnets for skyrmionics"
    APL Materials 10, 080902 (2022).
  • 4. Karube, K., Peng, L. C., Masell, J., Hemmida, M., Krug von Nidda, H.-A., Kezsmarki, I., Yu, X. Z., Tokura, Y., and Taguchi, Y.:
    "Doping Control of Magnetic Anisotropy for Stable Antiskyrmion Formation in Schreibersite (Fe,Ni)3P with S4 symmetry"
    Advanced Materials 34, 2108770 (2022).
  • 5. Karube, K., Peng, L. C., Masell, J., Yu, X. Z., Kagawa, F., Tokura, Y., and Taguchi, Y.:
    "Room-temperature antiskyrmions and sawtooth surface textures in a non-centrosymmetric magnet with S4 symmetry"
    Nature Materials 20, 335 (2021).
  • 6. Karube, K., White, J. S., Ukleev, V., Dewhurst, C. D., Cubitt, R., Kikkawa, A., Tokunaga, Y., Ronnow, H. M., Tokura, Y., and Taguchi, Y.:
    "Metastable skyrmion lattices governed by magnetic disorder and anisotropy in β-Mn-type chiral magnets"
    Physical Review B 102, 064408 (2020).
  • 7. Karube, K., Shibata, K., White, J. S., Koretsune, T., Yu, X. Z., Tokunaga, Y., Ronnow, H. M., Arita, R., Arima, T., Tokura, Y., and Taguchi, Y.:
    "Controlling the helicity of magnetic skyrmions in a β-Mn-type high-temperature chiral magnet"
    Physical Review B 98, 155120 (2018).
  • 8. Karube, K., White, J. S., Morikawa, D., Dewhurst, C. D., Cubitt, R., Kikkawa, A., Yu, X. Z., Tokunaga, Y., Arima, T., Ronnow, H. M., Tokura, Y., and Taguchi, Y.:
    "Disordered skyrmion phase stabilized by magnetic frustration in a chiral magnet"
    Science Advances 4, eaar7043 (2018).
  • 9. Karube, K., White, J. S., Morikawa, D., Bartkowiak, M., Kikkawa, A., Tokunaga, Y., Arima, T., Ronnow, H. M., Tokura, Y., and Taguchi, Y.:
    "Skyrmion formation in a bulk chiral magnet at zero magnetic field and above room temperature"
    Physical Review Materials 1, 074405 (2017).
  • 10. Karube, K., White, J. S., Reynolds, N., Gavilano, J. L., Oike, H., Kikkawa, A., Kagawa, F., Tokunaga, Y., Ronnow, H. M., Tokura, Y., and Taguchi, Y.:
    "Robust metastable skyrmions and their triangular-square lattice structural transition in a high-temperature chiral magnet"
    Nature Materials 15, 1237 (2016).




軽部 皓介


Email: kosuke.karube [at] riken.jp
