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放射光科学研究センター イメージング開発チーム

チームリーダー 矢橋 牧名(D.Eng.)


矢橋 牧名 (D.Eng.)



  • 元素選択性をもつ共鳴コヒーレントX線回折イメージング法
  • 生物試料、ナノ構造体の高分解能3Dイメージング法
  • FELによるハイコントラストコヒーレント回折イメージング法


  • 1.H. Jiang, C. Song,T. Ishikawa, J. Miao et al.:
    "Quantitative 3D imaging of whole, unstained cells by using X-ray diffraction microscopy"
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 107, 11234 (2010)
  • 2.C. Song, H. Jiang, A. P. Mancuso, B. Amirbekian, L. Peng, R. Sun, S. S Shah, Z. H. Zhou, T. Ishikawa, and J. Miao:
    "Quantitative imaging of single, unstained viruses with coherent X-rays"
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 158101 (2008)
  • 3.C. Song, R. Bergstrom, D. Ramunno-Johnson, H. Jiang, D. Paterson, M. D. de Jonge, I. McNulty, J. Lee, K. Wang, and J. Miao:
    "Nanoscale imaging of buried structures with elemental specificity using resonant x-ray diffraction microscopy"
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 025504 (2008)
  • 4.R. L. Sandberg, C. Song, P. W. Wachulak, D. A. Raymondson, A. Paul, B. Amirbekian, E. Lee, A. E. Sakdinawat, M. C. Marconi, C. S. Menoni, M. M. Murnane, J. J. Rocca, H. C. Kapteyn, and J. Miao:
    "High numerical aperture tabletop soft x-ray diffraction microscopy with 70 nm resolution"
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105, 24 (2008)
  • 5.C. Song, D. Ramunno-Johnson, Y. Nishino, Y. Kohmura, C.-C. Chen, T.-K. Lee, T. Ishikawa, and J. Miao:
    "Phase retrieval from exactly oversampled diffraction intensity through deconvolution"
    Phys. Rev. B, 75, 0120102 (2007)
  • 6.R. L. Sandberg, A. Paul, D. A. Raymondson, S. Hadrich, D. M. Gaudiosi, J. Holtsnider, R. I. Tobey, O. Cohen, M. Murnane, H. C. Kapteyn, C. Song, J. Miao, Y. Liu, and F. Salmassi:
    "Lensless diffractive imaging using tabletop, coherent, high harmonic soft x-ray beams"
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 98103 (2007)
  • 7.H. Jiang, D. Ramunno-Johnson, C. Song, B. Amirbekian, Y. Kohmura, Y. Nishino, Y. Takahashi, T. Ishikawa, and J. Miao:
    "Nanoscale imaging of mineral crystals inside biological composite materials using x-ray diffraction microscopy"
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 038103 (2008)
  • 8.J. Miao, R. L. Sandberg and C. Song:
    "Coherent Diffraction Imaging with X-rays"
    IEEE J. of Sel. Topics in Quantum Electronics 18, 399, (2011)
  • 9.J. Park, D. Nam, Y. Kohmura, M. Nagasono, Y. Jeon, J.-B. Lee, T. Ishikawa and C. Song:
    "Assessment of Radiation Damage in Single-shot Coherent Diffraction of DNA Molecules by EUV-FEL"
    Phys. Rev. E 86, 042901(2012)
  • 10.D. Nam, J. Park, M. Gallagher-Jones, S. Kim, S.-N. Kim, Y. Kohmura, H. Naitow, N. Kunishima, T. Yoshida, T. Ishikawa and C. Song:
    "Imaging fully hydrated whole cells by coherent x-ray diffraction microscopy"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. (in print 2013)





矢橋 牧名


眞木 さおり


募集職種 応募締切
研究員または特別研究員募集(C22-0102) ポストが決まり次第


〒679-5148 兵庫県佐用郡佐用町光都1-1-1
