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革新知能統合研究センター 病理情報学チーム

チームリーダー 山本 陽一朗(M.D., Ph.D.)


山本 陽一朗 (M.D., Ph.D.)



  • AIを用いた新規疾患メカニズムや治療法の発見
  • 最適な治療法の選択
  • 医学データの統合的解析


  • 学際研究


  • 分子生物 & 遺伝学
  • 臨床医学
  • コンピューター科学
  • 数学



  • 1. Noguchi A, Numata Y, Sugawara T, Miura H, Konno K, Adachi Y, Yamaguchi R, Ishida M, Kokumai T, Daisuke D, Miura T, Maeda S, Otsuka H, Mizuma M, Nakagawa K, Morikawa H, Akatsuka J, Maeda I, Unno, M Yamamoto Y, Toru Furukawa T.:
    "Deep learning predicts 1-year prognosis of pancreatic cancer patients using positive peritoneal washing cytology."
    Sci Rep. 14, 17059 (2024).
  • 2. Yamaguchi R, Morikawa H, Akatsuka J, Numata Y, Noguchi A, Kokumai T, Ishida M, Mizuma M, Morikawa T, Unno M, Miyake A, Tamiya G, Yamamoto Y, Toru Furukawa T.:
    "Machine learning of histopathological images predicts recurrences of resected pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with adjuvant treatment."
    Pancreas. 53(2), e199-e204 (2023).
  • 3. Takahashi T, Matsuoka H, Sakurai R, Akatsuka J, Kobayashi Y, Nakamura M, Iwata T, Banno K, Matsuzaki M, Takayama J, Aoki D, Yamamoto Y, Tamiya G.:
    "Development of a prognostic prediction support system for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia using artificial intelligence-based diagnosis."
    J Gynecol Oncol. 33(5), e57 (2022).
  • 4. Akatsuka J, Numata Y, Morikawa H, Sekine T, Kayama S, Mikami H, Yanagi M, Endo Y, Takeda H, Toyama Y, Fukumoto M, Kimura G, Kondo Y, Yamamoto Y.:
    "A data-driven ultrasound approach for pathological high-grade prostate cancer."
    Sci Rep. 12(1), 860-860 (2022).
  • 5. Egevad L, Delahunt B, Samaratunga H, Tsuzuki T, Yamamoto Y, Yaxley J, Ruusuvuori P, Kartasalo K, Eklund M.:
    "The emerging role of artificial intelligence in the reporting of prostate pathology."
    Pathology 53(5):565-567, (2021).
  • 6. Yamamoto Y, Tsuzuki T, Akatsuka J, Ueki M, Morikawa H, Numata Y, Takahara T, Tsuyuki T, Tsutsumi K, Nakazawa R, Shimizu A, Maeda I, Tsuchiya S, Kanno H, Kondo Y, Fukumoto M, Tamiya G, Ueda N, Kimura G.:
    "Automated acquisition of explainable knowledge from unannotated histopathology images."
    Nat Commun. 10, 5642 (2019).
  • 7. Akatsuka J, Yamamoto Y, Sekine T, Numata Y, Morikawa H, Tsutsumi K, Yanagi M, Endo Y, Takeda H, Hayashi T, Ueki M, Tamiya G, Maeda I, Fukumoto M, Shimizu A, Tsuzuki T, Kimura G, Kondo Y.:
    "Illuminating Clues of Cancer Buried in Prostate MR Image: Deep Learning and Expert Approaches."
    Biomolecules. 9, 673 (2019).
  • 8. Yamamoto Y, Saito A, Tateishi A, Shimojo H, Kanno H, Tsuchiya S, Ito KI, Cosatto E, Graf HP, Moraleda RR, Eils R, and Grabe N.:
    "Quantitative diagnosis of breast tumors by morphometric classification of microenvironmental myoepithelial cells using a machine learning approach."
    Sci Rep. 7, 46732 (2017).
  • 9. *Yamamoto Y, Offord CP, Kimura G, Kuribayashi S, Takeda H, Tsuchiya S, Shimojo H, Kanno H, Bozic I, Nowak MA, Bajzer ž, and Dingli D.:
    "Tumor and immune cell dynamics explain the PSA bounce after prostate cancer brachytherapy."
    Br J Cancer. 115, 195-202 (2016).
  • 10. *Saito A, Numata Y, Hamada T, Horisawa T, Cosatto E, Graf HP, Kuroda M, and Yamamoto Y.:
    "A novel method for morphological pleomorphism and heterogeneity quantitative measurement: Named cell feature level co-occurrence matrix."
    J Pathol Inform. 7, 36 (2016).





  • 2016年9月19日:日本経済新聞掲載 "がん細胞、AIで画像判定"
  • 研究紹介:文部科学省科学研究費新学術領域研究 がん研究分野の特性等を踏まえた支援活動



山本 陽一朗


〒103-0027 東京都中央区日本橋1-4-1 日本橋一丁目三井ビルディング 15階
Email: yoichiro.yamamoto@riken.jp
