生命医科学研究センター サイトカイン制御研究チーム
チームリーダー 久保 允人(Ph.D.)

- サイトカイン
- T細胞
- 抗体産生
- ワクチン
- 1.Wang, Y., Kuang, Z., Yu, X., Ruhn, KA, Kubo, M. and Hooper, LV.:
"The intestinal microbiota regulates body composition through NFIL3 and the circadian clock."
Science 357, 912–916. (2017) - 2.Miyauchi, K. and Kubo, M.:
"Is germinal center selection required in influenza vaccination?"
Cell. Mol. Immunol. 14, 655–657 (2017) - 3.Kubo, M.:
"Innate and adaptive type 2 immunity in lung allergic inflammation"
Immunol. Rev. 278(1). 162-172 (2017) - 4.Kubo, M.:
"T follicular helper and TH2 cells in allergic responses."
Allergol Int. 66,377-381 (2017) - 5.Domínguez-Hüttinger, E., Christodoulides, P., Miyauchi, K., Irvine, AD., Okada-Hatakeyama, M., Kubo, M. and Tanaka, RJ.:
"Mathematical modeling of atopic dermatitis reveals “double-switch” mechanisms underlying 4 common disease phenotypes"
J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol. 139(6):1861-1872(2017) - 6.Miyauchi, K., Sugimoto-Ishige, A., Harada, Y., Adachi, Y., Usami, Y., Kaji, T., Inoue, K., Hasegawa, H., Watanabe, T., Hijikata, A., Fukuyama, S., Maemura, T., Okada-Hatakeyama, M., Ohara, O., Kawaoka, Y., Takahashi, Y., Takemori, T., and Kubo, M.:
"Protective neutralizing influenza antibody response in the absence of T follicular helper cells"
Nat. Immunol. 17, p1447-1458(2016) - 7.Yasuda T, Fukada T, Nishida K, Nakayama M, Matsuda M, Miura I, Dainichi T, Fukuda S, Kabashima K, Nakaoka S, Bin BH, Kubo M, Ohno H, Hasegawa T, Ohara O, Koseki H, Wakana S, and Yoshida H.:
"Hyperactivation of JAK1 tyrosine kinase induces stepwise, progressive pruritic dermatitis."
J. Clin. Invest. 126(6):2064–2076(2016) - 8.Kubo, M.:
"TCF-1 and LEF-1 help launch the T(FH) program"
Nat. Immunol. 16(9):900-901(2015) - 9.Xu, W. Domingues, RG., Fonseca-Pereira, D., Ferreira, M., Ribeiro, H., Lopez-Lastra, S., Motomura, Y., Moreira-Santos, L., Bihl, F., Braud,V., Kee, B., Brady, H., Coles, MC., Vosshenrich, C., Kubo, M., Di Santo, J.P. and Veiga-Fernandes, H.:
"NFIL3 orchestrates the emergence of common helper innate lymphoid cell precursors."
Cell Rep. 10(12), 2043–2054(2015) - 10.Motomura, Y., Morita, H., Moro, K., Nakae, S., Artis, D., Endo TA, Kuroki, Y., Ohara, O., Koyasu,S. and Kubo, M.:
"Basophil-derived interleukin-4 controls the function of natural helper cells, a member of ILC2s, in lung inflammation"
Immunity 40(5) 758–771(2014)
- 久保 允人
- チームリーダー
- 宮内 浩典
- 副チームリーダー
〒230-0045 神奈川県横浜市鶴見区末広町1-7-22 北棟
Tel: 045-503-7047
Fax: 045-503-7046
Email: masato.kubo [at] riken.jp