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放射光科学研究センター 物質系放射光利用システム開発チーム

チームリーダー 林 雄二郎(D.Eng.)


林 雄二郎 (D.Eng.)



  • 工学


  • 総合理工
  • 数物系科学
  • 材料工学
  • 応用物理
  • 機械工学


  • X線回折
  • 金属材料
  • ミクロ組織
  • 応力・ひずみ
  • 3DXRD



  • 1. * Hayashi, Y., Setoyama, D., Hirose, Y., Yoshida, T., and Kimura, H.:
    "Intragranular three-dimensional stress tensor fields in plastically deformed polycrystals"
    Science 366, 1492-1496 (2019).
  • 2. * Hayashi, Y., Hirose, Y., and Seno, Y.:
    "Polycrystal orientation mapping using scanning three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy"
    Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, 1094-1101 (2015).
  • 3. * Hayashi, Y., Setoyama, D., and Seno, Y.:
    "Scanning three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy with a high-energy microbeam at SPring-8"
    Materials Science Forum 905, 157-164 (2017).
  • 4. * Hayashi, Y., Hirose, Y., and Setoyama, D.:
    "In situ three-dimensional orientation mapping in plastically-deformed polycrystalline iron by three-dimensional x-ray diffraction"
    Materials Science Forum 777, 118-123 (2014).
  • 5. * Hayashi, Y., Tanaka, K., Akazaki, T., Jo, M., Kumano, H., and Suemune, I.:
    "Superconductor-based light emitting diode: Demonstration of role of Cooper pairs in radiative recombination processes"
    Applied Physics Express 1, 011701/1-3 (2008).
  • 6. Hayashi, Y., Tanaka, Y., Kirimura, T., Tsukuda, N., Kuramoto, E., and Ishikawa, T.:
    "Acoustic pulse echoes probed by x-ray triple-crystal diffractometry"
    Physical Review Letters 96, 115505/1-4 (2006).
  • 7. Hayashi, Y., Tsukuda, N., Kuramoto, E., Tanaka, Y., and Ishikawa, T.:
    "Determination of the dynamic deformation tensor by time-resolved triple crystal diffractometry"
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 12, 685-689 (2005).
  • 8. * Hayashi, Y., Hirose, Y., and Seno, Y.:
    "Scanning three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy using a high-energy microbeam"
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1741, 050024 (2016).
  • 9. * Setoyama, D., Hayashi, Y., and Iwata, N.:
    "Crystal plasticity finite element analysis based on crystal orientation mapping with three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy"
    Materials Science Forum 777, 142-147 (2014).
  • 10. * Nonaka, T., Dohmae, K., Araki, T., Hayashi, Y., Hirose, Y., Uruga, T., Yamazaki, H., Mochizuki, T., Tanida, H., and Goto, S.:
    "Quick-scaninng x-ray absorption spectroscopy system with a servo-motor-driven channel-cut monochromator with a temporal resolution of 10 ms"
    Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 083112 (2012).



林 雄二郎


〒679-5148 兵庫県佐用郡佐用町光都1-1-1
Email: hayashi.y [at] spring8.or.jp
